
eBook: Semantics A Coursebook

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   Judul : Semantics A Coursebook

   Edisi : Second Edition
   Pengarang : James R.Hurford, BrendanHeasley and Michael B. Smith
   Penerbit : Cambridge University Press 
Sumber : Link

CONTENTSPrefaces ixAcknowledgements xiHow to use this book xii1 Basic ideas in semantics 1UNIT 1 About semantics 1UNIT 2 Sentences, utterances, and propositions 16UNIT 3 Reference and sense 262 From reference . . . 36UNIT 4 Referring expressions 36UNIT 5 Predicates 45UNIT 6 Predicates, referring expressions, and universe of discourse 56UNIT 7 Deixis and definiteness 65UNIT 8 Words and things: extensions and prototypes 793 . . . to sense 93UNIT 9 Sense properties and stereotypes 93UNIT 10 Sense relations (1) 105UNIT 11 Sense relations (2) 1204 Logic 141UNIT 12 About logic 141UNIT 13 A notation for simple propositions 152UNIT 14 Connectives: and and or 164UNIT 15 More connectives 1805 Word meaning 194UNIT 16 About dictionaries 194UNIT 17 Meaning postulates 205UNIT 18 Properties of predicates 218UNIT 19 Derivation 225UNIT 20 Participant roles 244Contentsviii6 Interpersonal and non-literal meaning 260UNIT 21 Speech acts 260UNIT 22 Perlocutions and illocutions 269UNIT 23 Felicity conditions 281UNIT 24 Direct and indirect illocutions 289UNIT 25 Propositions and illocutions 303UNIT 26 Conversational implicature 314UNIT 27 Non-literal meaning: idioms, metaphor, and metonymy 327Selected references and recommendations for further study 345Index 347

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