
Menguak Rahasia Ka'bah

Ratusan ribu umat muslim mengelilingi Ka'bahVIVAnews - Suatu siang, pertengahan April, empat belas tahun silam. Seperti lazimnya siang di Mekkah, terik matahari mencapai 40° celsius. Tapi matahari yang membakar itu sama sekali tak mengusik ribuan manusia dari pelbagai ras, etnis, dan warna kulit.Mereka, ribuan manusia berbalut kain putih itu, bergerak bak ombak laut, dengan gerak melingkar membentuk pusaran. Gerak itu terus bergulung, mengitari satu titik bangunan kubus hitam berusia ribuan tahun....
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Panduan Menulis dan Mempresentasikan Karya Ilmiah

Inspire, berhubung masih kurangnya pemahaman mengenai karya ilmiah baik dalam penulisan maupun dalam presentasi dari karya ilmiah saya mau share ada ebook bagus buat menambah pengetahuan serta panduan untuk kita menulis karya ilmiah secara baik dan benar. Semoga bermanfaat!Panduan Menulis dan Mempresentasikan KaryaIlmiah: Thesis, Tugas Akhir, dan Makalah1 Pengantar 2 Kesalahan Yang Sering Terjadi Pada Penulisan Ilmiah   2.1 Mengantisipasi Pembaca Tulisan   2.2 Kesalahan...
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Pilih British/American English?

Praktik Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia sangat membingungkan. Sejak SD hingga SMP, kita selalu diajari British English di sekolah. Artinya, kita pada mulanya mengenal kata-kata seperti biscuit, centre, colour, dialogue, favourite, football, dan realise. Namun, ketika kita sewaktu SMP juga mengambil kursus Bahasa Inggris di berapa kursusan, kita mulai mengenal kata-kata American English seperti cookie, center, color, dialog, favorite, soccer, dan realize. Di bangku SMA pun, American English lebih mendominasi...
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Kepribadian Manusia dari Status Facebook

  Kepribadian manusia ternyata bisa dilihat dari statusnya di facebook lho. Jika gak percaya, coba deh lihat tulisan berikut 1. Manusia Super UpdateKapanpun dan di manapun selalu update status. Statusnya tidak terlalu panjang tapi terlihat bikin risih, karena hal-hal yang tidak terlalu penting juga dipublikasikan.Contoh : “Lagi makan di restoran A..”, “Dalam perjalanan menuju neraka..”, “Saatnya baca koran..”, dan  sebagainya.2. Manusia MelankolisBiasanya selalu curhat di status. Entah...
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Cash Point 2011 | Software Penjualan dan Kelola keuangan Gratis

  Lagi dan lagi saya share software lokal dan gratis untuk memperlancar bisnis anda, seperti kelola keuangan, pemasukan & pengeluaran, laporan, dll. Aplikasi bernama Cash Point 2011.Cash Point adalah program aplikasi yang dibuat untuk membantu prosedur sistematis usaha kecil menengah dalam hal mengelola keuangan, pemantauan stok dan aktifitas transaksi kasir. Cash Point dapat digunakan untuk berbagai bentuk bidang usaha seperti retail, restoran dan lain-lain.Menurut informasi yang saya...
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Juz Amma Digital Player

   Pada postingan kali ini saya akan share sebuah software yaitu Juz Amma Player Digital. Juz Amma Player Digital ini adalah sebuah software yang dapat membantu anda untuk membaca atau memahami suratan pada Al-Quran. Keunggulan software ini menurut saya yaitu terdapat fitur sound. Jadi kita dapat mendengarkan lantunan ayat demi ayat. Berikut beberapa tampilan dari Juz Amma Player Digital :Baca Selengkapnya disini : Keunggulan dari Juz Amma Player Digital ini yaitu : User interface...
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Materi Statistics For Research

Buat teman-teman yang belum dapat file materi untuk mata kuliah statistics for research, saya share file nya silahkan di Download di link berikut.Materi Statistik | Download (2,14 MB)*file nya sudah saya convert ke ZIP jadi extract dulu filenya** cara download> Setelah muncul tunggu 5 detik lalu klik selanjutnya/n...
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Share English Books

Kembali saya share beberapa buku bahasa inggris yang sangat berguna baik bagi pelajar, mahasiswa atau pun guru serta umum. buku-buku berikut dapat membantu pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa inggris kita. Bisa sebagai main book atau pun sekedar referensi saja. Selamat Download dan jangan lupa komentarnya.Via 4Shared | DownloadVia Maknyos (Link Lokal) | Download  * rekomendasiVia 4Shared | DownloadVia Maknyos (Link Lokal) | Download * rekomendasiVia...
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Apple iMac 27-inch PC Desktops

Outside, the 27-inch iMac (Lightning) are like their processors of aluminum and glass. It has the same huge 27-inch 2,560-by-1,440 screen resolution, which is a format with a 16:9 aspect ratio and a resolution higher than 1920 by 1080 necessary for a true high definition 1080p. The screen is so bright that Apple has added a new ambient light sensor that automatically dim the screen, so users brightly lit studios can keep your eyes of effort when a cloud obscures the sun or if someone curtains...
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Asus Motherboard AMD A75 F1A75-I Deluxe

One of the giant Taiwanese motherboard manufacturers in the world, Asus, launched a motherboard that uses an AMD chipset platform A75 Llano. Asus A75-I F1A75 Deluxe is a motherboard for AMD socket are F1 Llano. A somewhat different design of the motherboard is very small. Asus Deluxe F1A75-I is present in Mini-ITX form a very small and compact making it suitable for HTPC.Asus offers a number of excellent features on the motherboard F1A75-I Deluxe. Mini-ITX Motherboard uses a 4 +1 phase VRM...
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Asus N55SF-A1

Asus one of the well-known notebook maker launch multimedia laptops Namely, Asus N55SF-A1. The N55SF-A1 powered by Intel quad-core 2.0GHz Core i7-2630QM CPU, Which Can be overclocked to run at a speed of 2.9GHz via Intel's Turbo Boost technology. In Addition, for games, videos, and graphics, This notebook relie upon the dedicated nVIDIA GeForce GT 555m GPU, 2GB of you Which memory to help Its Own process graphics.This notebook features a 15.6-inch display true HD That Has A resolution of 1920 x...
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Toshiba Portege R700-S1332W

One of the known notebook manufacturer Toshiba has announced the launch of its new notebooks namely the Toshiba Portege R700-S1332W. The Portege R700-S1332W comes with an Intel Core i7-620M processor, 4 GB of DDR3 memory and a 128 GB SSD, while the Portege R700-S1322W is powered by an Intel Core i5-560M processor, 4GB RAM and 320GB hard drive. They both sport Intel integrated graphics and comes with a 13.3 inch LED backlit. You can also find a SuperMulti DVD burner, webcam, multi-in-one card reader,...
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Asus Zenbook UX21E and UX31E Ultrabooks

Asus a well-known global manufacturer of consumer electronics and IT devices, has announced the launch of its new series and UX31E zenbooks UX21E namely X21E DH52, DH71 UX21E, DH52-UX31E, UX31E-DH53 and UX31E-DH72. All details concerning the device specifications are discussed below.Asus UX21E-DH52 Specifications:Displays the screen: 11.6 "1366 x 768Processor: Intel Core i5-2467MStorage: 128 GBRAM: 4 GBGraphics: Integrated Intel HDConnectivity: Wi-Fi and BluetoothUSB: 2.0 and 3.0 1xUSB 1xUSBVideo:...
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Asus U46E-BAL6

One of the Asus laptops known manufacturer has announced the launch of its new notebook called Asus U46E-BAL6. The U46E-BAL6 that the performance of your CPU handling 8 threads simultaneously. This U46E BAL6 high speed laptop has Intel Core i7-2620M dual-core 2.7 GHz CPU, 8 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM module, an integrated Intel Graphics HD 3000 graphics chipset, an ultra-thin and lightweight 14-inch LED display screen and a 750 gigabyte hard drive 7200 rpm.This Asus laptop runs on Windows 7 Home...
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Gateway NV57H50U

Gateway known manufacturer of laptops, has announced the launch of its new laptop namely Gateway NV57H50U. The laptop comes with a NV57H50U 15.6 inch LED-backlit widescreen LCD high-definition using Intel HD 3000 graphics card, more Ultrabright technology. This laptop also works with Intel Celeron chips B800, 2 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM (expandable to 8 GB), 320 GB SATA hard drive, a DVD ± RW / CD-RW with Double Layer support, the HDMI output and multi-card reader. Gateway NV57H50U laptop...
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Asus P43E-XH31

One of the laptops known manufacturer Asus has announced the launch of its new P Series notebooks pro, Asus P43E-XH31. The Asuspro P series notebooks are designed specifically for small and medium enterprises. Its stylish design and professional does not compromise the durability and reliability. It offers powerful performance for budget-conscious customers, providing unsurpassed value P43E-XH31 proposition.The Asus laptop designed for small and medium enterprises, the perfect combination of performance,...
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Asus G74SX-DH72 Gaming Laptops

One of the laptops known manufacturer Asus has announced the launch of its new gaming laptops namely Asus G74SX-DH72. The G74SX-DH72, which runs on a notebook PC equipped with 17.3-inch, 2670QM i7 processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core processor, 16 GB of DDR3 1333MHz SDRAM, 160 GB disk (solid state SSD), and 750 GB 7,200 rpm SATA hard drive. The laptop sports a 17.3-inch Full HD LED-backlit 1920 x 1080 resolution, and the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M with 3 GB GDDR5 video G74SX-DH72 Memory.The Asus...
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Gigabyte launched P2532F and P2532H

One of the known laptop manufacturer Gigabyte has announced the launch of its new laptop is two, P2532H and P2532F. The double pulse of 15.6-inch laptops running Windows 7 (Home Premium or Professional) and is based on the Intel platform Huron River, P2532H and P2532F.Gigabyte Both machines come with a built-in LED backlight (1920 x 1080) display, Core i7-2670QM 2.2 GHz processor, 2/4GB of RAM, up to 750 GB (7200 RPM) hard drive, a unit Blu-ray combo, and Nvidia GeForce...
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Konfigurasi Printer Client

Salah satu tujuan dibangunnya sebuahjaringan komputer, baik itu jaringan lokal (LAN) maupun jaringan yang lebih luas lagi cakupannya adalah agar komputer yang terhubung dengan jaringan dapat saling berbagi resource (sumber daya) yang ada dalam jaringan. Sumber daya ini dapat berupa file atau data, aplikasi, maupundevices (perlengkapan seperti CD-ROM, ruang penyimpanan, printer, scanner dan lain-lain).Pada kesempatan yang sangat baik ini, kita akan mencoba meng-konfigurasi komputer...
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